(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['underscore', 'backbone', '../Behavior', '../Collection', '../Events'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
var _ = require('underscore');
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var Behavior = require('../Behavior');
var Collection = require('../Collection');
var Events = require('../Events');
module.exports = factory(_, Backbone, Behavior, Collection, Events);
} else {
root.Torso = root.Torso || {};
root.Torso.behaviors = root.Torso.behaviors || {};
root.Torso.behaviors.DataBehavior = factory(root._, root.Backbone, root.Torso.Behavior, root.Torso.Collection, root.Torso.Events);
}(this, function(_, Backbone, Behavior, Collection, Events) {
'use strict';
var $ = Backbone.$;
SUCCESS: 'success',
FAILURE: 'failed'
* Converts string or number values into an array with a single string or number item.
* If the input is not a string, number, array, or info about the ids then undefined is returned.
* This is a private helper method used internally by this behavior and is not exposed in any way.
* @param {(string|number|string[]|number[]|Object)} ids the ids to convert.
* @param {boolean} [ids.skipObjectRetrieval] set if this is a meta-info object about the ids.
* @returns {(string[]|number[]|Object)} an array of strings or numbers.
* @private
function normalizeIds(ids) {
if (_.isArray(ids)) {
// remove any nesting of arrays - it is assumed that the resulting ids will be simple string or number values.
ids = _.flatten(ids);
// remove any duplicate ids.
return _.uniq(ids);
} else if (_.isString(ids) || _.isNumber(ids)) {
// individual id - convert to array for consistency.
return [ids];
} else if (ids && ids.skipObjectRetrieval) {
return ids;
* Converts any undefined or null values to an empty array. All other values are left unchanged.
* @param valueToConvert the value to check for null or undefined.
* @returns {Array|*} either the original value or [] if the valueToConvert is null or undefined.
function undefinedOrNullToEmptyArray(valueToConvert) {
if (_.isUndefined(valueToConvert) || _.isNull(valueToConvert)) {
valueToConvert = [];
return valueToConvert;
* Gets a nested property from an object, returning undefined if it doesn't exist on any level.
* @param {Object} rootObject object containing the property to get.
* @param {string} propertyString string identifying the nested object to retrieve.
* @returns {*} either undefined or the property referenced from the rootObject.
function getNestedProperty(rootObject, propertyString) {
propertyString = propertyString.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1'); // convert indexes to properties
propertyString = propertyString.replace(/^\./, ''); // strip a leading dot
var propertyStringParts = propertyString.split(PROPERTY_SEPARATOR);
return _.reduce(propertyStringParts, function(currentBaseObject, currentPropertyName) {
return _.isUndefined(currentBaseObject) ? undefined : currentBaseObject[currentPropertyName];
}, rootObject);
* Determines if the stringDefinition contains a container definition (i.e. has a ':' in it).
* @param stringDefinition to test.
* @returns {boolean} true if the string definition contains a container definition, false otherwise.
function containsContainerDefinition(stringDefinition) {
return !!stringDefinition && stringDefinition.indexOf(CONTAINER_SEPARATOR) > -1;
* This behavior implements simplified interaction with data sources (i.e. TorsoCollection).
* This behavior manages re-rendering when data changes and automatically adding the returned data to the view's context.
* This behavior also manages dependencies between data and other objects to allow intelligent re-fetching when data changes.
* @class DataBehavior
* @extends Behavior
* @author jyoung@vecna.com
* @see <a href="../annotated/modules/behaviors/DataBehavior.html">DataBehavior Annotated Source</a>
* @see <a href="../modules/behaviors/DATA_BEHAVIOR.html">Detailed docs</a> for more in-depth documentation and details.
var DataBehavior = Behavior.extend(/** @lends DataBehavior */{
* The torso collection that is acting as a cache used to create the private collections.
* This property/option is required. Instantiation will fail if it is not set.
* @property {Collection} cache
cache: undefined,
* Adds a listener on the Behavior for the `fetched` event that triggers a render on the view.
* true - A listener is added to the behavior that re-renders the view when a 'fetched' event is triggered.
* false (default) - no listeners are added.
* @property {boolean} renderOnFetch
* @default false
renderOnFetch: false,
* Skip triggering a load of this data behavior when the view completes initializing.
* true - no load after the view is initialized.
* false (default) - trigger a .retrieve() on this data behavior when the view completes initialization.
* @property {boolean} skipInitialLoad
* @default false
skipInitialLoad: false,
* Determines the result of `view.getBehavior('thisBehaviorAlias').toJSON()`.
* true - a single model result is returned.
* false (default) - an array of model results are returned.
* @property {boolean} returnSingleResult
* @default false
returnSingleResult: false,
* Determines whether `pull()` or `fetch()` is called when using `retrieve()`.
* true - Use fetch() by default on the private collection.
* false (default) - Use pull() by default on the private collection.
* True will query the server more often, but will provide more up-to-date data.
* False will only query the server if the model hasn't already been retrieved.
* This property will be ignored if `fetch()` or `pull()` is called directly.
* @property {boolean} alwaysFetch
* @default false
alwaysFetch: false,
* Duck-typed property that identifies the ids to use. id or ids is required (either by behavior options or as properties).
* - {(string|number)} - the id to use directly (equivalent to an array of a single id).
* - {(string[]|number[])} - the ids to use directly.
* - {Object} - more complex configuration that identifies a model-like object that fires a change event and the
* property on that object to use. The object can fire the change event for the given property
* and have a .get('propertyName') method, or it can define the property directly on the idContainer.
* Only one property can be identified as supplying the id for this data model.
* If the identified object does not fire a change event then the id(s) will never be refreshed for this behavior.
* The idContainer can also fire a 'fetched:ids' event on itself to signal to this data behavior that the ids
* have been fetched for the first time. Then a 'change:<propertyName>' event can be used to notify this
* data behavior that the property has been modified.
* - property {string} - the name of the property that defines the ids. The root object is assumed to be the view unless
* idContainer is defined. The idContainer is the object that fires a change event for the given property name.
* Uses the view or the idContainer as the root to get the identified property (i.e. 'viewState.', 'model.', etc).
* Will get the property before the first '.' from the view and if it is an object will try to use a
* .get('<propertyName>') on it and set a 'change:<propertyName>' listener on it.
* If it is a string/number or array of string/number, then it will use that as the ids.
* Triggering a 'id-container-updated' event on the behavior will cause it to stop listing to the
* old idContainer and start listening to the new one defined by this property.
* - idContainer {Cell|Backbone.Model|Function} - object (or a function that returns an object) that fires change
* events and has a .get('propertyName') function. It isn't required to fire events -
* the change event is only required if it needs to re-fetch when the id property value changes.
* Examples:
* - { property: '_patientId' }
* - { property: 'viewState.appointmentId' }
* - { property: 'model.type' }
* - { property: 'behaviors.demographics.data.appointments' }
* - { property: 'id', idContainer: userService }
* - { property: 'username', idContainer: function() { application.getCurrentUser() } }
* - {Function(cache)} - expected to return the ids (either array, jquery deferred that resolves to the ids or single primitive)
* to track with the private collection. Cache is passed in as the first argument so that the behavior
* can be defined and the cache can be overridden later.
* 'this' is the behavior (from which you can get the view if needed).
* What was criteria should use this instead:
* function(cache) {
* var thisBehaviorInstance = this;
* var view = this.view;
* var criteria = { ... some criteria ... };
* return cache.fetchIdsByCriteria(criteria);
* }
* @property {(string|number|string[]|number[]|Object|Function)} ids
ids: undefined,
* cause this behavior to re-calculate its ids and refetch them from the server if the given events are triggered
* (space separated if string, single item is equivalent to array of single item).
* - 'view:eventName' - arbitrary event triggered on the view (eventName can be a change:propertyName event).
* - 'viewState:eventName' - arbitrary event triggered on the viewState (eventName can be a change:propertyName event).
* - 'model:eventName' - arbitrary even triggered on the view's model (eventName can be a change:propertyName event).
* - 'this:eventName' - arbitrary event triggered by this behavior (eventName can be a change:propertyName event).
* - 'behaviorAlias:eventName' - arbitrary event triggered by another data behavior on this view (eventName can be a change:propertyName event).
* - 'behaviorAlias.data:eventName' - arbitrary event triggered by the data of another DataBehavior on this view (eventName can be a change:propertyName event).
* - { '<eventName>': < object (or function returning an object) that the event is triggered on > } - arbitrary ('<eventName>') triggered on the supplied object.
* @property {(string|string[]|Object|Object[])} updateEvents
updateEvents: undefined,
* Object that manages interaction with the data. Contains the privateCollection, proxies all events from the privateCollection,
* and has get('...') and .toJSON() methods that access the private collection data.
* @property {Torso.behaviors.DataBehavior.Data} data
data: undefined,
* The possible fetched statuses. This is the status value of the fetched event payload.
* @override
* @param {Object} [behaviorState] the initial state of the behavior.
* @param {Object} behaviorOptions
* @param {Collection} behaviorOptions.cache see cache property.
* @param {boolean} [behaviorOptions.renderOnFetch=false] see renderOnFetch property.
* @param {boolean} [behaviorOptions.skipInitialLoad=false] see skipInitialLoad property.
* @param {boolean} [behaviorOptions.returnSingleResult=false] see returnSingleResult property.
* @param {boolean} [behaviorOptions.alwaysFetch=false] see alwaysFetch property.
* @param {string|number|string[]|number[]|{property: String, idContainer: Object}|Function} [behaviorOptions.id=behaviorOptions.ids] see id property.
* @param {string|number|string[]|number[]|{property: String, idContainer: Object}|Function} [behaviorOptions.ids=behaviorOptions.id] see ids property.
* @param {(string|string[]|Object|Object[])} [behaviorOptions.updateEvents] see updateEvents property.
* @param {Object} [viewOptions] options passed to View's initialize
constructor: function(behaviorState, behaviorOptions, viewOptions) {
_.bindAll(this, '__skipRetrieveOnEmptyTrackedIdsAndNewIds', '__completeLoadingIds', '__fetchSuccess', '__fetchFailed', '__abortIfDisposed');
behaviorOptions = behaviorOptions || {};
behaviorOptions = _.defaults(behaviorOptions, {
alwaysFetch: false
_.extend(this, _.pick(behaviorOptions, 'cache', 'id', 'ids', 'renderOnFetch', 'skipInitialLoad', 'returnSingleResult', 'alwaysFetch', 'updateEvents'));
this.cid = this.cid || _.uniqueId(this.cidPrefix);
this.data = new this.Data({
parentBehavior: this,
privateCollection: this.cache.createPrivateCollection(this.cid)
Behavior.apply(this, arguments);
this.set('loadingIds', 0);
this.on('id-container-updated', this.listenToIdsPropertyChangeEvent);
this.on('id-container-updated', this.retrieve);
this.listenTo(this.view, 'initialize:complete', this.listenToIdsPropertyChangeEvent);
this.listenTo(this.view, 'initialize:complete', this._delegateUpdateEvents);
if (!this.skipInitialLoad) {
this.listenTo(this.view, 'initialize:complete', this.retrieve);
// This allows 'renderOnFetch' to be changed at runtime after the constructor is executed.
this.on('fetched', function() {
// If a view isn't active then it shouldn't be rendering.
// When a view is attached it is rendered anyway.
if (this.renderOnFetch && this.view.isActive() && this.view.isAttached()) {
this.listenTo(this.view, 'before-dispose-callback', this.data.dispose);
* Retrieves the ids for this data object and passes them off to the private collection to track and then does a
* pull or a fetch based on the alwaysFetch property. (pull is default if always fetch is true then it fetches instead).
* @returns {$.Deferred.Promise} a jquery deferred promise that resolves to the retrieved models.
retrieve: function() {
if (this.alwaysFetch) {
return this.fetch();
} else {
return this.pull();
* Retrieves the ids for this data object and passes them off to the private collection's trackAndPull() method.
* @returns {$.Deferred.Promise} a jquery deferred promise that resolves to the retrieved models.
pull: function() {
var thisDataBehavior = this;
return this.__getIds()
.then(function(idsResult) {
if (idsResult && !idsResult.skipObjectRetrieval) {
return thisDataBehavior.data.privateCollection.trackAndPull(idsResult);
return idsResult;
}, function(errorResponse) {
errorResponse.failedOnIds = true;
// Deferred reject is more reliable than throwing an exception since it works in both jQuery 2 and 3.
return new $.Deferred().reject(errorResponse).promise();
.then(this.__fetchSuccess, this.__fetchFailed);
* Retrieves the ids for this data object and passes them off to the private collection's trackAndFetch() method.
* @returns {$.Deferred.Promise} a jquery deferred promise that resolves to the retrieved models.
fetch: function() {
var thisDataBehavior = this;
return this.__getIds()
.then(function(idsResult) {
if (idsResult && !idsResult.skipObjectRetrieval) {
return thisDataBehavior.data.privateCollection.trackAndFetch(idsResult);
return idsResult;
}, function(errorResponse) {
errorResponse.failedOnIds = true;
// Deferred reject is more reliable than throwing an exception since it works in both jQuery 2 and 3.
return new $.Deferred().reject(errorResponse).promise();
.then(this.__fetchSuccess, this.__fetchFailed);
* Adds the toJSON of the data represented by this behavior to the context.
* @override
prepare: function() {
var behaviorContext = Behavior.prototype.prepare.apply(this) || {};
behaviorContext.data = this.data.toJSON();
behaviorContext.loading = this.isLoading();
behaviorContext.loadingIds = this.isLoadingIds();
behaviorContext.loadingObjects = this.isLoadingObjects();
return behaviorContext;
* Determine if the behavior is loading objects or ids.
* @returns {boolean} true - the behavior is currently loading objects or ids.
* false - the behavior is not currently loading objects or ids.
isLoading: function() {
return this.isLoadingIds() || this.isLoadingObjects();
* Determine if the behavior is loading ids.
* @returns {boolean} true - the behavior is currently loading ids.
* false - the behavior is not currently loading ids.
isLoadingIds: function() {
return this.get('loadingIds') > 0;
* Determine if the behavior is loading objects.
* @returns {boolean} true - the behavior is currently loading objects.
* false - the behavior is not currently loading objects.
isLoadingObjects: function() {
return this.data.privateCollection.isLoading();
* Listens for the change event on the ids property and, if triggered, re-fetches the data based on the new ids.
listenToIdsPropertyChangeEvent: function() {
if (!_.isUndefined(this.ids.property)) {
var idsPropertyNameAndContext = this.__parseIdsPropertyNameAndIdContainer();
var idContainer = idsPropertyNameAndContext.idContainer;
var canListenToEvents = idContainer && _.isFunction(idContainer.on);
if (canListenToEvents) {
this.__currentContextWithListener = idContainer;
this.__currentContextEventName = 'change:' + idsPropertyNameAndContext.idsPropertyName;
this.listenTo(this.__currentContextWithListener, this.__currentContextEventName, this.retrieve);
this.listenTo(this.__currentContextWithListener, 'fetched:ids', this.retrieve);
* Removes the listener added by listenToIdsPropertyChangeEvent().
stopListeningToIdsPropertyChangeEvent: function() {
if (this.__currentContextWithListener) {
this.stopListening(this.__currentContextWithListener, this.__currentContextEventName, this.retrieve);
this.stopListening(this.__currentContextWithListener, 'fetched:ids', this.retrieve);
delete this.__currentContextWithListener;
delete this.__currentContextEventName;
* This is a good way to have something be called after at least one retrieve (pull or fetch) has completed.
* This is especially useful if you don't care if the fetch has already happen you just want to do something once
* the data is loaded.
* This can also be done purely by listening for the 'fetched' event, but you might miss the event if it is fired
* before you start listening. This gives a structure for handling that case so that your methods are called
* if the event is fired and if it is not fired.
* This also gives the ability to distinguish between a successful and failed fetch easily using the promises
* resolve/reject handlers.
* Usage:
* someDataBehavior.retrieveOncePromise()
* .then(view.doSomethingWithTheData, view.handleFiledFetch);
* @returns {external:jQuery-Deferred} that resolves when the data is successfully fetched and rejects when the fetch fails.
retrieveOncePromise: function() {
var retrieveOnceDeferred = $.Deferred();
var demographicsFetchSuccess = this.get('fetchSuccess');
if (demographicsFetchSuccess) {
} else if (demographicsFetchSuccess === false) {
} else {
this.once('fetched', function() {
if (this.get('fetchSuccess')) {
} else {
return retrieveOnceDeferred.promise();
* Removes existing listeners and adds new ones for all of the updateEvents configured.
* @private
_delegateUpdateEvents: function() {
var updateEvents = this.__parseUpdateEvents();
_.each(updateEvents, function(parsedUpdateEvent) {
this.listenTo(parsedUpdateEvent.idContainer, parsedUpdateEvent.eventName, this.retrieve);
}, this);
* Removes existing event listeners.
* @private
_undelegateUpdateEvents: function() {
var updateEvents = this.__parseUpdateEvents();
_.each(updateEvents, function(parsedUpdateEvent) {
this.stopListening(parsedUpdateEvent.idContainer, parsedUpdateEvent.eventName, this.retrieve);
}, this);
* Parses this.updateEvents configuration.
* @returns {Object[]} {[{ eventName: String, idContainer: Object }]} an array of objects with the event name and idContainer included.
* @private
__parseUpdateEvents: function() {
var updateEvents = _.flatten(_.map(this.updateEvents, this.__parseUpdateEvent, this));
return _.compact(updateEvents);
* Parses an individual event configuration.
* Note: events defined using objects can have more than one event defined w/in the object.
* @param {string | Object} updateEventConfiguration the configuration for an individual event configuration.
* @returns {(Object[]|undefined)} {[{ eventName: String, idContainer: Object }] | undefined} an array of objects with the event name and idContainer included.
* If the event could not be parsed, undefined is returned.
* @private
__parseUpdateEvent: function(updateEventConfiguration) {
if (_.isUndefined(updateEventConfiguration)) {
return undefined;
var parsedUpdateEvents = [];
if (_.isString(updateEventConfiguration)) {
var updateEvent = this.__parseStringUpdateEvent(updateEventConfiguration);
if (!_.isUndefined(updateEvent)) {
} else if (_.isObject(updateEventConfiguration)) {
parsedUpdateEvents = _.map(updateEventConfiguration, function(idContainer, eventName) {
return {
idContainer: idContainer,
eventName: eventName
return parsedUpdateEvents;
* Validates that the cache property is valid and if not throws an error describing why its not valid.
* @private
__validateCache: function() {
if (!this.cache) {
throw new Error('Torso Data Behavior constructed without a cache');
if (!(this.cache instanceof Collection)) {
throw new Error('Torso Data Behavior\'s cache is not of type Torso.Collection');
* Validates that the ids property is valid and if not throws an error describing why its not valid.
* A side effect of this method is copying id into the ids location (if id is set). Ids is what is used by the rest of the code.
* This is done as part of validation because we first validate that both are not set.
* @private
__normalizeAndValidateIds: function() {
if (!_.isUndefined(this.ids) && !_.isUndefined(this.id)) {
throw new Error('Torso Data Behavior constructed with both id and ids. Please define only one.');
this.ids = this.id || this.ids;
* Validates that the ids property is valid and if not throws an error describing why its not valid.
* A side effect of this method is copying id into the ids location (if id is set). Ids is what is used by the rest of the code.
* This is done as part of validation because we first validate that both are not set.
* @private
__validateIds: function() {
if (_.isUndefined(this.ids)) {
throw new Error('Torso Data Behavior constructed without a way to identify the ids for this data. Please define either id, ids.');
var idsIsArray = _.isArray(this.ids);
var idsIsSingleId = _.isString(this.ids) || _.isNumber(this.ids);
var idsIsFunction = _.isFunction(this.ids);
var idsIsObjectWithStringProperty = _.isString(this.ids.property);
var idsIsObject = _.isObject(this.ids);
var idsIsValid = idsIsArray || idsIsSingleId || idsIsFunction || idsIsObjectWithStringProperty;
if (!idsIsValid && idsIsObject) {
throw new Error('Data Behavior ids invalid definition. It is an object, but the property field is not defined or is not a string: ' + JSON.stringify(this.ids));
} else if (!idsIsValid) {
throw new Error('Data Behavior ids invalid definition. Not a string, number, object, array or function: ' + JSON.stringify(this.ids));
if (idsIsObjectWithStringProperty) {
var propertyNameContainsIdContainer = containsContainerDefinition(this.ids.property);
var hasIdContainerProperty = !_.isUndefined(this.ids.idContainer);
if (hasIdContainerProperty && propertyNameContainsIdContainer) {
throw new Error('Data Behavior ids invalid definition. Id container defined on both ids.property and ids.idContainer: ', JSON.stringify(this.ids));
* Validates that the updateEvents property is valid and if not throws an error describing why its not valid.
* @private
__normalizeAndValidateUpdateEvents: function() {
var updateEventsIsArray = _.isArray(this.updateEvents);
var updateEventsIsSingleValue = !updateEventsIsArray && (_.isObject(this.updateEvents) || _.isString(this.updateEvents));
var updateEventsIsUndefined = _.isUndefined(this.updateEvents);
var updateEventsIsValidType = updateEventsIsArray || updateEventsIsSingleValue || updateEventsIsUndefined;
if (updateEventsIsSingleValue) {
this.updateEvents = [this.updateEvents];
if (!updateEventsIsValidType) {
throw new Error('Update events are not an array, string or object. Please see parameters for examples of how to define updateEvents. Configured UpdateEvents: ', this.updateEvents);
// Remove any random falsey values (mostly to get rid of undefined events).
this.updateEvents = _.compact(this.updateEvents);
_.each(this.updateEvents, this.__validUpdateEvent);
* Validates that the updateEventConfiguration is valid and if not throws an error describing why its not valid.
* @private
__validUpdateEvent: function(updateEventConfiguration) {
var validStringConfig = _.isString(updateEventConfiguration);
var validObjectConfig = _.isObject(updateEventConfiguration) && _.keys(updateEventConfiguration).length > 0;
if (!validStringConfig && !validObjectConfig) {
throw new Error('Not a valid updateEvent configuration. Update events need to either be strings or objects with a single property: ' + JSON.stringify(updateEventConfiguration));
* @returns {$.Deferred.Promise} A jquery deferred promise that resolves to the ids to track in the private collection
* or rejects with the error message.
* It can also return an object that prevents object retrieval ({ skipObjectRetrieval: true }).
* @private
__getIds: function() {
this.set('loadingIds', this.get('loadingIds') + 1);
this.__validateIds(); // validate ids enforces a fast-fail that guarantees that one of the if statements below will work.
var idsDeferred = $.Deferred();
var ids = this.ids;
var normalizedIds = normalizeIds(ids);
if (!_.isUndefined(normalizedIds)) {
} else if (_.isFunction(this.ids)) {
ids = this.ids(this.cache);
normalizedIds = normalizeIds(ids);
if (!_.isUndefined(normalizedIds)) {
} else if (ids && _.isFunction(ids.then)) {
idsDeferred = ids.then(normalizeIds);
} else {
} else if (!_.isUndefined(this.ids.property)) {
var parsedContextDefinition = this.__parseIdsPropertyNameAndIdContainer();
var propertyName = parsedContextDefinition.idsPropertyName;
var idContainer = parsedContextDefinition.idContainer;
ids = getNestedProperty(idContainer, propertyName);
var propertyOnContextIsUndefined = idContainer && _.isUndefined(ids);
var idContainerHasGetMethod = idContainer && _.isFunction(idContainer.get);
if (propertyOnContextIsUndefined && idContainerHasGetMethod) {
ids = idContainer.get(propertyName);
normalizedIds = normalizeIds(ids);
return idsDeferred.promise()
* Sets the loading ids property to false (loading completed).
* @private
__completeLoadingIds: function() {
this.set('loadingIds', this.get('loadingIds') - 1);
* Converts the definition into the actual idContainer object and property name to retrieve off of that idContainer.
* @returns {{idsPropertyName: String, idContainer: Object}} the name of the ids property and the actual object to use as the idContainer.
* @private
__parseIdsPropertyNameAndIdContainer: function() {
var propertyName = this.ids.property;
var propertyNameContainsIdContainer = containsContainerDefinition(propertyName);
var hasIdContainerProperty = !_.isUndefined(this.ids.idContainer);
var idContainer;
if (hasIdContainerProperty) {
idContainer = this.__parseIdContainer();
if (propertyNameContainsIdContainer) {
var containerAndDetail = this.__parseContainerDetailString(propertyName);
propertyName = containerAndDetail.detail;
idContainer = containerAndDetail.idContainer;
if (_.isUndefined(idContainer)) {
idContainer = this.view;
return {
idsPropertyName: propertyName,
idContainer: idContainer
* Parses the idContainer property of ids.
* @returns {Object} the idContainer object to apply the properties value to (may not be the final idContainer depending on the property definition).
* @private
__parseIdContainer: function() {
var idContainerDefinition = this.ids.idContainer;
var idContainer;
if (_.isUndefined(idContainerDefinition)) {
idContainer = undefined;
} else if (_.isFunction(idContainerDefinition)) {
var idContainerFxn = _.bind(idContainerDefinition, this);
idContainer = idContainerFxn();
} else if (_.isObject(idContainerDefinition)) {
idContainer = idContainerDefinition;
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid idContainer. Not an object or function: ' + JSON.stringify(this.ids));
return idContainer;
* Parses a string that contains a container and details for that container (event name or property name).
* Strings are expected to be of the form '<some container path>:<detail>'.
* @param fullContainerAndDetail
* @returns {{detail: String, idContainer: *}} the idContainer is the actual object containing the ids.
* details is the rest of the idContainer string without the idContainer definition.
* @private
__parseContainerDetailString: function(fullContainerAndDetail) {
var containerString = '';
if (containsContainerDefinition(fullContainerAndDetail)) {
containerString = fullContainerAndDetail.split(CONTAINER_SEPARATOR, 1)[0];
var containerStringParts = containerString.split(PROPERTY_SEPARATOR);
var rootContainerString = containerStringParts[0];
var rootContainer;
if (rootContainerString === 'this') {
rootContainer = this;
} else if (rootContainerString === 'behaviors' || rootContainerString === 'behavior') {
var behaviorAlias = containerStringParts[1];
rootContainerString += PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + behaviorAlias; // property track what part of the string has been consumed.
rootContainer = this.view.getBehavior(behaviorAlias);
} else {
if (rootContainerString !== 'view') {
rootContainerString = ''; // property track what part of the string has been consumed.
rootContainer = this.view;
var container = rootContainer;
var rootContainerPropertyString = containerString.replace(rootContainerString, '');
if (rootContainerPropertyString) {
// remove leading .
if (rootContainerPropertyString[0] === PROPERTY_SEPARATOR) {
rootContainerPropertyString = rootContainerPropertyString.slice(1);
container = getNestedProperty(rootContainer, rootContainerPropertyString);
var detail = fullContainerAndDetail.replace(containerString + CONTAINER_SEPARATOR, '');
return {
detail: detail,
idContainer: container
* Parse a string type update event.
* Context Key (first part of the string up to the first ':') can be one of the following:
* this (maps to the behavior),
* view or empty (maps to the behavior's view),
* viewState (maps to the behavior's view's viewState),
* model (maps to the behavior's view's model),
* <*> any others are assumed to be the names of behaviors on this behavior's view.
* @param {string} updateEventConfiguration a string representation of the event.
* @returns {{eventName: String, idContainer: Backbone.Events}} the parsed configuration with the event name and idContainer object.
* @private
__parseStringUpdateEvent: function(updateEventConfiguration) {
var parsedIdContainerDetails = this.__parseContainerDetailString(updateEventConfiguration);
if (parsedIdContainerDetails) {
return {
idContainer: parsedIdContainerDetails.idContainer,
eventName: parsedIdContainerDetails.detail
* Rejects the promise chain if this behavior is already disposed.
* @returns {external:jQuery-Deferred} that is resolved if the behavior is not disposed and rejects if the behavior is disposed.
* @private
__abortIfDisposed: function() {
var resultDeferred = $.Deferred();
if (this.isDisposed()) {
var rejectArguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
rejectArguments.push('Data Behavior disposed, aborting.');
resultDeferred.reject.apply(resultDeferred, rejectArguments);
} else {
resultDeferred.resolve.apply(resultDeferred, arguments);
return resultDeferred.promise();
* Triggers a 'fetched' event with the payload { status: 'success' } when the fetch completes successfully.
* @param {Object} response the response from the server.
* @param {boolean} [response.skipObjectRetrieval=false] if we retrieved objects, then trigger fetch event.
* @param {boolean} [response.forceFetchedEvent=false] if true then trigger fetch no matter what.
* @returns {Object} response - returns the response to match promise spec that converts returned values into resolves.
* @private
__fetchSuccess: function(response) {
this.set('fetchSuccess', true);
this.set('fetchedOnce', true);
if (this.__shouldTriggerFetchedEvent(response)) {
this.trigger('fetched', {
response: response
this.data.trigger('fetched', {
response: response
return response;
* Triggers a 'fetched' event with the payload { status: 'failed' } when the fetch fails.
* @param {Object} [response] the response from the server.
* @param {boolean} [response.skipObjectRetrieval=false] if we retrieved objects, then trigger fetch event.
* @param {boolean} [response.forceFetchedEvent=false] if true then trigger fetch no matter what.
* @param {boolean} [response.emptyIds=false] true if were are no ids retrieved. False otherwise.
* @throws {Object} response - throws an error to match promise spec that converts thrown errors into rejects.
* @private
__fetchFailed: function(response) {
this.set('fetchSuccess', false);
this.set('fetchedOnce', true);
if (this.__shouldTriggerFetchedEvent(response)) {
this.trigger('fetched', {
response: response
this.data.trigger('fetched', {
response: response
if (response && response.emptyIds) {
this.__firstEmptyFetchedTriggered = true;
// Deferred reject is more reliable than throwing an exception since it works in both jQuery 2 and 3.
return new $.Deferred().reject(response).promise();
* Determines if the 'fetched' event should be triggered in the __fetchFailed or __fetchSuccess methods.
* @param {Object} response to use to determine if the fetched event should be triggered.
* @param {boolean} [response.skipObjectRetrieval=false] if we retrieved objects, then trigger fetch event.
* @param {boolean} [response.forceFetchedEvent=false] if true then trigger fetch no matter what.
* @returns {boolean} true if the fetched event should be triggered, false otherwise.
* @private
__shouldTriggerFetchedEvent: function(response) {
return !response || !response.skipObjectRetrieval || response.forceFetchedEvent;
* Skip retrieving objects if new ids list is empty and existing ids list is empty.
* @param {(Array|Object)} idsResult
* @returns {(Array|Object)} either the original idsResult
* or { skipObjectRetrieval: true, forceFetchedEvent: true } if both the ids retrieved
* and the current ids are empty.
* @private
__skipRetrieveOnEmptyTrackedIdsAndNewIds: function(idsResult) {
if (_.isEmpty(idsResult) && _.isEmpty(this.data.privateCollection.getTrackedIds())) {
return { skipObjectRetrieval: true, forceFetchedEvent: true };
} else {
return idsResult;
* Adds listeners when the view is activated.
* @private
_activate: function() {
* Stops listening when the view is deactivated.
* @private
_deactivate: function() {
* @module Torso.behaviors.DataBehavior
* @namespace Torso.behaviors.DataBehavior
* Data object used to create the .data property of the DataBehavior.
* @class Data
* @inner
* @memberof DataBehavior
var Data = function(options) {
_.extend(Data.prototype, Events, /** @lends Data */ {
* Instantiates the data objects and binds it to this behavior instance.
* @param {Object} options to pass to the initialize methods.
* @param {DataBehavior} options.parentBehavior the data behavior instance that this Data object should be bound to.
* @param {Collection} options.privateCollection the private collection that this data represents.
initialize: function(options) {
* The dataBehavior instance that owns this data object.
* @property {DataBehavior} parentBehavior
this.parentBehavior = options.parentBehavior;
* The private collection that this data object manages.
* @property {Collection} privateCollection
this.privateCollection = options.privateCollection;
_.bindAll(this, 'dispose');
* Determine if behavior is loading ids or objects.
* @returns {boolean} true - the behavior is loading objects or ids.
* false - the behavior is not loading objects or ids.
isLoading: function() {
return this.parentBehavior.isLoading();
* Determine if the behavior is loading ids.
* @returns {boolean} true - the behavior is currently loading ids.
* false - the behavior is not currently loading ids.
isLoadingIds: function() {
return this.parentBehavior.isLoadingIds();
* Determine if the behavior is loading objects.
* @returns {boolean} true - the behavior is currently loading objects.
* false - the behavior is not currently loading objects.
isLoadingObjects: function() {
return this.parentBehavior.isLoadingObjects();
* Get the full data object contents. Either an array if returnSingleResult is false or a single object if it is true.
* @returns {(Object|Object[])} containing the full contents of either the collection or model.
toJSON: function() {
var privateCollection = this.privateCollection;
if (!this.parentBehavior.returnSingleResult) {
return privateCollection.toJSON();
if (privateCollection.length === 0) {
return undefined;
} else if (privateCollection.length === 1) {
var singleResultModel = privateCollection.at(0);
return singleResultModel.toJSON();
} else {
throw new Error('Multiple results found, but single result expected: ' + JSON.stringify(privateCollection.toJSON()));
* Get the full data object contents (either an array of model attributes or a single model attribute based on the
* value of propertyName) or the value of a specific property if a single result is expected.
* If returnSingleResult is true then this will return the given property from the model (if that model exists).
* If returnSingleResult is false then this will return an array containing that property from all of the retrieved models.
* @param {string} [propertyName] the property to get from the model(s).
* @returns {(Object|Object[])} containing the full contents of either the collection or model.
get: function(propertyName) {
var privateCollection = this.privateCollection;
if (!this.parentBehavior.returnSingleResult) {
if (_.isString(propertyName)) {
return privateCollection.pluck(propertyName);
} else {
return privateCollection.toJSON();
var singleResultModel = this.getModel();
if (singleResultModel) {
if (_.isString(propertyName)) {
return singleResultModel.get(propertyName);
return singleResultModel.toJSON();
* @param {(number|string)} modelId The id of the model to get from the collection.
* @returns {Backbone.Model} either the model with the given id or the only model on this behavior (if model id is undefined).
* @throws an error if there are more than 1 result or the configuration of the behavior specifies returnSingleResult === false.
getModel: function(modelId) {
var privateCollection = this.privateCollection;
if (!this.parentBehavior.returnSingleResult && _.isUndefined(modelId)) {
throw new Error('data.getModel() of a DataBehavior is only valid if the behavior is set to returnSingleResult === true');
if (!_.isUndefined(modelId)) {
return privateCollection.get(modelId);
if (privateCollection.length === 0) {
return undefined;
} else if (privateCollection.length === 1) {
return privateCollection.at(0);
} else {
throw new Error('Multiple results found, but single result expected: ' + JSON.stringify(privateCollection.toJSON()));
* @returns {Backbone.Model[]} new array containing all the models in the data's private collection.
getModels: function() {
return this.privateCollection.models.slice(0);
* Adds the listeners to the private collection.
activate: function() {
this.listenTo(this.privateCollection, 'all', this.trigger);
* Removes the listeners on the private collection.
deactivate: function() {
this.stopListening(this.privateCollection, 'all', this.trigger);
* Dispose of the data events.
dispose: function() {
DataBehavior.prototype.Data = Data;
return DataBehavior;